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June 2019: Small businesses across New Jersey are starting to save money, share their successes and inspire other businesses by implementing sustainable business best practices. Joining this list, TEKTITE INDUSTRIES, located in Trenton, New Jersey, became one of the first businesses in the state to be recognized as a New Jersey Sustainable Business.
In August of 2014, the New Jersey Small Business Development Centers (NJSBDC) launched the New Jersey Sustainable Business Registry. The registry is an Internet site where businesses that have implemented sustainable business practices can register their achievements and be recognized.
TEKTITE achieved recognition because, as a company, they practice energy conservation and recycling. They:
Some of TEKTITE products are designed to directly reduce the amount of plastic and/or hazardous waste:
- The Mark-Lite product line provides an environmentally friendly Chemical Lightstick Alternative™. Plus, the Mark-Lite helps reduce operation cost by 80% as well. Many Diving resort destinations have banned the use of chemical sticks as a result of their offering a reusable alternative.
- Their ELZ, Traffic Strobes, and Marine SOS strobe products reduce or eliminate the need for chemical incendiary flares, reducing hazardous combustion products, and hazardous waste of date-expired, unused flares. Over 300,000 lb. of hazardous waste (expired flares) saved from landfills
TEKTITE efforts resulted in the reduction of wastewater, landfill volume, and energy savings.
Tektite was founded on green/sustainable principles in 1990. They are concerned about the environment and are committed to improving the Earth's environmental condition. For more information about the registry visit: